Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, disponibile la patch 1.08 per Xbox 360

call-of-duty-modern-warfare-3_thumb2Presto anche per PC e PS3.

Robert Bowling, Community Manager di Infinity Ward, ci ha informato che è stata resa disponibile la patch di aggiornamento alla versione 1.08 di Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 in versione Xbox 360.

La patch viene scaricata al primo avvio del gioco e connessi al servizio Xbox Live. La versione Personal Computer e Playstation 3 sarà resa disponibili nei giorni a seguire.

Le novità introdotte passano da un bilanciamento delle armi, una migliore gestione della modalità teatro, e in generale migliore gestione delle connessioni con relativa diminuizione di Lag. Nel frattempo, durante l’utilizzo della patch, ci sono state anche due note riguardanti problemi minori in fase di risoluzione come un abbassamento del ratio di fuoco per Akimbot e bilanciamento per altre armi.

Di seguito le novità introdotte dalla patch 1.08:


“Nerfed the Striker a little bit, buffed the rest of the shotguns.” When it comes specifically to the Striker, Bowling mentioned that they “reduced the amount of pellets it used. So, right now, all the shotguns should be 9 pellets and the striker’s 6 pellets.” They also “slightly reduced spread and damage” of the Striker.


“We also nerfed Akimbos across the boards. So, not just FMG9′s but Akimbos across the board should have a lower fire-rate now.”


“A ton of theater improvements and fixes” also made it into the patch. “So, if anybody was having trouble viewing their clips, or getting error 7 or getting the black screen stuff – all of that stuff should be gone.” Bowling also added that ”YouTube uploads should be 100 times faster than they were when we launched now,” or at least “it’s nearly 100 times faster, just under 100 times.”


Also included were “more tweaks to lag compensation, or host advantage.” Now, it “should be better when you’re host, if you have a fast connection.” Also, “there’s general network improvements that we did,” as well as some “bug fix stuff.” Unfortunately, no specifics were given regarding bug fixes. Bowling also mention that there was some improvements made to the ”banning stuff.” It also goes without saying that support for the new maps were also included in this patch.

To be added tonight:

Bowling recently announced that maps would be receiving more “weight” tonight, meaning that they would show up more often in the map rotation.

Update 1 (more on bugs):

Bowing recently added these notes to the official Call of Duty forums:

Networking enhancements, Theater improvements and fixes, Further improvements to “Host Disadvantage” / “Lag Comp”, Increased speed of YouTube uploads from 32k to 256k, Nerf to all Akimbo weapons (reduced fire rate), Shotgun re-balance (Slight nerf to Striker, slight buff to all other shotguns), Fix that prevents some users from not receiving their prestige token after prestiging, fix stat bug that retains “games played” stat across prestiges.

Update 2 (Hotfix):

Bowling has stated that we should “expect a 50% decrease to the fire rate of all Akimbo weapons in MW3. We’re doing a hotfix tonight to properly nerf them.”


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