NPD Febbraio 2012, classifica di vendita hardware e software statunitense

npd_thumbBuono il debutto di PS Vita, bene 360, nella norma PS3 e Wii, un pò male DS.

Sono stati rilasciati dall’agenzia di rilevazione vendite e marketing statunitense NPD Group, i dati relativi al mese di Febbraio 2012.

La console più venduta resta Xbox 360, segnando l’ennesimo punto a favore dell’azienda di Redmond. Microsoft ha dichiarato che “l’utenza statunitense continua a preferire Xbox 360 come unità di divertimento multimediale, segnando il 14mo mese consecutivo di miglior console venduta in USA.”

Sony può dirsi molto soddisfatta per PlayStation Vita. La neo console portatile ha segnato un buon risultato tenendo presente che ha debuttato il 15 Febbraio solo in versione 3G nel suo bundle “day one” e il 22 Febbraio anche in WiFi. Quindi in meno di un mese è riuscita a vendere poco più della metà di 360. Meno bene Playstation 3 che continua a non incidere in modo forte piazzandosi ancora al secondo posto dietro 360. La console casalinga di Sony vende bene ma non tanto da scalfire il trono di console più venduta negli states. Nintendo è in calo. Scendono le vendite di Wii e 3DS e soprattutto di DS. Detto questo, Nintendo continua comunque ad avere una buona fetta di mercato e quindi ad essere una degna concorrente nella competizione a tre in USA.

Xbox 360: 426K
PlayStation 3: 360K
PS Vita – 220K – 230K
3DS: 262K
Wii: 228K
DS: 135K

1. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (360, PS3, Wii, PC) Activision Blizzzard
2. Final Fantasy XIII-2 (PS3, 360) Square Enix Inc.
3. UFC Undisputed 3 (360, PS3) THQ
4. Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning (360, PS3, PC) Electronic Arts
5. Just Dance 3 (Wii, 360, PS3) Ubisoft
6. NBA 2K12 (360, PS3, PSP, Wii, PC, PS2) Take 2 Interactive
7. Soul Calibur V (360, PS3) Namco Bandai Games
8. Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (360, PS3, PC) Bethesda Softworks
9. Twisted Metal 2012 (PS3) Sony
10. Battlefield 3 (360, PS3, PC) Electronic Arts

nota: i dati PS3 e PS Vita sono stimati dalla distribuzione e non dal venduto.


Another month, another milestone for Mario: Super Mario Galaxy became the ninth Wii game to sell more than 5 million units in the United States, according to the NPD Group, which tracks video game sales in the United States. The Wii system, which crossed 39 million units sold in February, now has nearly twice as many 5-million sellers* as competing current-generation consoles combined.

“Wii continues its record-breaking run by surpassing 39 million units in its 64th month, a pace that is unmatched by any other system in U.S. history,” said Scott Moffitt, Nintendo of America’s executive vice president of Sales & Marketing. “Titles like Super Mario Galaxy help explain why Wii continues to resonate with consumers. The fact that one of the best-reviewed games of all time is available for a suggested retail price of $19.99 speaks to Nintendo’s combination of quality, family fun and value that is unmatched in our industry.”

Other Nintendo milestones achieved in February include:

Super Mario 3D Land and Mario Kart 7 for Nintendo 3DS each sold more than 100,000 units, bringing the life-to-date totals to more than 1.85 million and 1.45 million respectively.
Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version for Nintendo DS have now sold more than 4 million combined units in the United States.
Nintendo sold 625,000 total hardware units in February and saw double-digit growth across each of its product lines compared to January. This includes:
Nintendo 3DS: 262,000, a 53 percent increase
Wii: 228,000, a 50 percent increase
Nintendo DS: 135,000, a 76 percent increase
Total: 625,000, a 57 percent increase
* The Wii games to surpass 5 million units sold in the United States include: Wii Play (13.06 million), Mario Kart Wii (11.3 million), New Super Mario Bros. Wii (8.86 million), Wii Fit (8.18 million), Wii FitPlus (7.32 million), Wii Sports Resort (6.45 million), Just Dance 2 (5.61) million, Super Smash Bros. Brawl (5.43 million) and Super Mario Galaxy (5.04 million). Just Dance 3 is poised to be the next title added to the list with a lifetime total of 4.61 million.

For more information about Nintendo, visit


Patrick Seybold, Sr. Director of Corporate Communications in SCEA, ha commentato così i dati di vendita:

“After months of anticipation, the U.S. launch of PlayStation Vita saw overwhelming enthusiasm amongst gamers, resulting in exceptional hardware, software and peripheral sales. As reported last week, more than 1.2M PS Vita units have been sold globally since launch. Customer satisfaction rates are very high and momentum will continue as gamers get their hands on a deep lineup of blockbuster titles that take advantage of PS Vita’s unique features, including cross-platform play with the PlayStation 3.”


February NPD – Xbox 360 continues as number one selling console in the U.S.

Xbox 360 continues to hold the number one spot in the U.S., selling more units than any other console for 14 months straight. Sustained consumer demand for Xbox 360 and Kinect have helped maintain its number one spot, even in the seventh year on the market.

February 2012 U.S. NPD highlights:
· Holding 42 percent share of current-generation console sales, Xbox 360 sold 426,000 units in February, maintaining the number-one console spot in the U.S. This marks the 12th consecutive month Xbox 360 has held more than 40 percent of the current-generation console market share. (Source: NPD Group, February 2012)

· Total retail spend on the Xbox 360 platform in February (hardware, software and accessories) reached $383 million, the most for any console in the U.S. (Source: NPD Group, February 2012)

· During the month of February, Xbox 360 held five of the top 10 U.S. console game titles including: “Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning,” “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3,” “UFC Undisputed,” “NBA 2K12,” and “Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.” (Source: NPD Group, February 2012)

This year, Xbox 360 will again deliver an interactive entertainment portfolio of blockbuster titles, experiences and add-on content, including additions to the famed “Halo” and “Fable” franchises. The more than 50 Xbox LIVE entertainment partners will continue to expand with many more launching throughout the year. Later this year, Xbox 360 will deliver entirely new groundbreaking experiences like “Kinect Sesame Street TV” and “Nat Geo TV,” forever changing the way people interact with their favorite TV entertainment.


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