THQ annuncia Company of Heroes 2

company-of-heroes-2_thumb…in arrivo su PC entro il 2013.

THQ ha annunciato ufficialmente lo sviluppo di Company of Heroes 2 per Personal Computer in arrivo previsto per l’anno 2013.

“Il titolo è il degno successore del precedente capitolo e sfrutta il Essence 3.0 Engine di Relic Entertainment per portare una nuova tecnologia avanzata al genere guerra strategica”, ha dichiarato Greg Wilson, Produttore di Relic Entertainment.

Ambientato nelle fredde linee di frontiera durante la seconda guerra mondiale in Russia, il giocatore dovrà contrastare l’invazione nazista del 1941 per salvare la madre patria.



Maggiori dettagli nel comunicato ufficiale:

THQ Inc. (NASDAQ: THQI – News) today announced that a sequel to its critically acclaimed strategy game Company of Heroes® is scheduled to be taking gamers to the frozen frontlines of war in Russia in early 2013.

As a true sequel, this game moves the battle away from the common Western Front focus of World War II and refocuses on some of history’s most brutal and devastating conflicts on the Eastern Front, challenging players to take command of the iconic Red Army and repel the Nazi invaders from the very gates of Moscow.

Company of Heroes 2 utilizes Relic® Entertainment’s state of the art proprietary Essence 3.0 EngineTM to bring new technological advancements to the strategy genre in the form of innovative Dynamic Battle Tactics, increased graphical fidelity and new environmental destruction, ultimately putting the player in control with new Commander Abilities.

Greg Wilson, Producer at Relic Entertainment commented, “Company of Heroes 2 is a true successor, introducing a new front, new protagonists and new technology while retaining the unique mix of strategic gameplay and competitive multiplayer that made the original Company of Heroes such a success.”

Danny Bilson, Executive Vice President of Core Games commented, “We are excited to announce a sequel to one of THQ’s best loved properties. Company of Heroes 2 will deliver an amazing strategy experience along with a strong post-launch digital content plan that enhances and expands the product’s lifecycle.”

The original Company of Heroes was released in 2006 to critical acclaim and is currently the highest rated strategy title on (with more than five reviews) with an average of 93.82% based on 56 reviews. The game features similar acclaim on with a Metascore of 93% based on 55 reviews.

Company of Heroes 2 is scheduled to be available for PC in early 2013. For more information check

About Company of Heroes 2
It is 1941 and the beginning of what will become the most brutal conflict of World War II, as Germany launches a full-scale invasion of the frozen tundra of the Soviet Union which would result in over 14 million military casualties. Take command of the iconic Soviet Red Army in brutal frontline warfare to free Mother Russia from the invading Nazis. Your strategic skills and tactical expertise hold the power to tip the very balance of this conflict in the sequel to the critically acclaimed and multi award-winning Company of Heroes. Engage in visceral tactical combat that will define you as a military leader and challenge you to wield the might of the Soviet Empire as you smash your way to Berlin.

About THQ
THQ Inc. (NASDAQ: THQI – News) is a leading worldwide developer and publisher of interactive entertainment software. The company develops its products for all popular game systems, personal computers, wireless devices and the Internet. Headquartered in Los Angeles County, California, THQ sells product through its global network of offices located throughout North America, Europe and Asia Pacific. More information about THQ and its products may be found at THQ, Company of Heroes 2, Essence 3.0 Engines, Relic, Relic Entertainment and their respective logos are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of THQ Inc.

All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.


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