AMD presenta la sua nuova strategia gaming in occasione del GDC 2013

amd-gaming-evolved_thumbPotere al gaming su PC!

In occasione del Game Developers Conference (GDC), AMD presenta la sua nuova strategia “Unified Gaming Strategy” per il mondo gaming, che racchiude tutte le iniziative AMD all’interno del mercato gaming – console, piattaforme per il cloud, tablet e PC.

Attraverso la collaborazione con i principali sviluppatori e grazie alla propria leadership fornita dalla sua innovativa tecnologia grafica, AMD si trova nella posizione più adatta per guidare la prossima rivoluzione nell’ambito gaming.

Il programma Gaming Evolved, annunciato tre anni fa proprio in occasione della GDC, rappresenta il cuore della strategia AMD ed è stato il motore dei rivoluzionari bundle “Never Settle”, nonché uno dei principali motivi della scelta della tecnologia AMD sulle console di prossima generazione. Facendo leva su questa esperienza, AMD presenta oggi AMD Radeon™ Sky Graphics, la pietra angolare della propria tecnologia per il gaming su cloud.

AMD Radeon™ Sky Graphics si basa sull’architettura AMD Graphics Core Next, la migliore architettura grafica nella sua categoria, e costituirà il punto di riferimento per quanto riguarda sia le prestazioni chel’esperienza di gioco su cloud per tutti gli appassionati. Collaborando con player quali CiiNow, G-Cluster, Otoy ed Ubitus, AMD ha sviluppato una tecnologia flessibile per il gaming su cloud e realizzato una soluzione che permette agli sviluppatori ed ai service provider di offrire un’esperienza d’uso di altissimo livello a milioni di giocatori – su PC, tablet, smart TV e dispositivi mobili. Questo è possibile grazie allatecnologia AMD RapidFire, che permette di giocare via streaming in modo estremamente efficiente e reattivo.

Con l’introduzione della AMD Radeon™ HD 7790, la scorsa settimana, AMD ha rinnovato il proprio impegno nell’offrire eccellenti prodotti nel settore grafico. Basata sull’apprezzata architettura Graphics Core Next, la GPU AMD Radeon™ HD 7790 è stata progettata per i gamer che vogliono giocare ai titoli più recenti, compresi quelli della serie Gaming Evolved come Crysis 3 e Tomb Raider, ad un prezzo competitivo (prezzo consigliato: 139 euro, IVA inclusa). Questa scheda comprende inoltre una versione migliorata della tecnologia AMD PowerTune, che permette prestazioni più elevate e un gameplay ancora più immersivo, e sarà disponibile nelle versioni realizzate dai partner AIB a partire dalla prima settimana di aprile.

La manifestazione GDC di quest’anno coincide inoltre con il decimo anniversario del lancio della demo AMD Ruby. Per celebrare questa ricorrenza, AMD ha svelato un’anteprima della versione rimodellata e reinventata da IllFonic, che sfrutta la potenza del motore CryEngine® 3 di Crytek. La versione più recente della demo AMD Ruby, attualmente ancora in fase di sviluppo, è stata progettata per evidenziare il livello di realismo oggi possibile nei videogiochi grazie alla tecnologia grafica AMD Radeon™ e verrà annunciata nel corso delle prossime settimane.

Come parte del bundle Never Settle Reloaded, AMD è infine orgogliosa di annunciare l’arrivo di BioShock: Infinite. Grazie alla presenza di numerose caratteristiche DirectX® 11 esclusive – come anti-aliasing, texture detail, texture filtering e dynamic shadows – AMD offre ai giocatori la possibilità di scatenare la più realistica esperienza di gaming attualmente disponibile.



Di seguito la notizia il comunicato ufficiale:

AMD delivers Unified Gaming Strategy at GDC 2013

AMD launches powerful cloud gaming platform AMD Radeon™ Sky Series Graphics; extends Never Settle Reloaded program with “BioShock Infinite”; and showcases sneak peek of new “Ruby” demo

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. — Mar. 26, 2013 Today at the Game Developers Conference (GDC), AMD (NYSE: AMD) unveiled its leadership strategy for the worldwide gaming market. AMD’s “Unified Gaming Strategy” comprehensively addresses how AMD will drive the gaming market across consoles, cloud platforms, tablets and PCs. By working with the world’s leading hardware and game developers, and by continuing to be a leader in the market with the most innovative graphics technologies, AMD is effectively positioned to drive the next revolution in gaming.

Gaming Evolved, launched three years ago at GDC, is at the core of the AMD Unified Gaming Strategy, and has been the driving force behind the revolutionary “Never Settle” gaming bundles and a major factor behind the adoption of powerful AMD engines in the latest next-generation gaming consoles. Building on this momentum, AMD today introduced AMD Radeon™ Sky Graphics, the cornerstone of AMD’s industry-leading cloud gaming platform.

“Real time gaming through the cloud represents a significant opportunity and AMD is poised to lead in this vertical thanks to our extensive graphics hardware and software capabilities,” said David Cummings, senior director, AMD Professional Graphics. “AMD is working closely with CiiNow,G-Cluster, Otoy and Ubitus to deliver exceptional AMD Radeon™ gaming experiences to the cloud.”

Built from the ground up on the AMD Graphics Core Next Architecture, this best-in-class graphics technology will lead the way in performance and define cloud gaming experiences for gamers. By working with industry-leaders like CiiNow,G-Cluster, Otoy and Ubitus, AMD has developed flexible cloud gaming technology and designed a solution that enables game developers and service providers to deliver world-class content experiences to millions of gamers whether it’s through PCs, tablets, Smart TVs or mobile devices. Powering this seamless experience is AMD RapidFire technology, enabling highly efficient and responsive game streaming.

Continued Momentum in Discrete Graphics Lineup

With the arrival of the AMD Radeon™ HD 7790 graphics card last week, AMD continues to deliver outstanding graphics products. Based on the award-winning Graphics Core Next architecture, the AMD Radeon™ HD 7790 GPU was made for gamers looking to play the latest games, including Gaming Evolved titles such as Crysis 3 and Tomb Raider, at the right price point.

“We continue to innovate and push the boundaries of our discrete graphics products,” said Matt Skynner, corporate vice president and general manager, AMD Graphics. “Gamers demand the best experience across all of our products and with the AMD Radeon™ HD 7790 GPU, they receive the latest AMD Radeon™ technology at a competitive price point.”

Packing in AMD Eyefinity technology and the award-winning Graphics Core Next architecture, the AMD Radeon™ HD 7790 GPU also features an enhanced version of AMD PowerTune technology, which enables higher performance and immersive gameplay to gaming rigs. This latest addition to the AMD Radeon™ HD 7000 series of graphics products is the ultimate choice for gamers looking to maximize their gaming experience in the USD$150 MSRP range. The AMD Radeon™ HD 7790 GPU is expected to be available from all AMD add-in-board partners during the first week of April.

Ruby: Rebooted, Reborn, Reloaded

GDC also marked the 10th anniversary of the launch of the original iconic, AMD Ruby demo. To celebrate this milestone, AMD unveiled a sneak peek of its remodeled and reinvented Ruby, which was designed and developed by IllFonic, and harnesses the power of Crytek’s CryEngine® 3 development engine. The latest AMD Ruby demo is still under production and is designed to highlight real-world gaming possibilities of AMD Radeon™ graphics technology. It will be unveiled to the world in the coming weeks.

BioShock Infinite: The Best of DirectX® 11

As part of the Never Settle Reloaded bundle, AMD is proud to announce the arrival of BioShock: Infinite. With DirectX® 11 PC-exclusive features such as anti-aliasing, texture detail, texture filtering, dynamic shadows and more, AMD is empowering gamers to unleash the most realistic gaming experience.

“Fifteen years ago, Irrational Games got its start making PC games, and the PC gaming experience has always been near and dear to our hearts. Working with AMD allowed us to make the most of the DirectX® 11 powered graphics,” said, Chris Kline, Technical Director, Irrational Games.

Each of these features were developed in close collaboration with Irrational Games and the AMD Gaming Evolved team, ensuring the best experience for PC gamers choosing AMD Radeon™ graphics cards.


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