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Durante un evento dedicato al lancio di The Last Of Us Remastered sono stati diramati tutti i miglioramenti che si troveranno nella nuova edizione del titolo. Oltre alla risoluzione a 1080p e il frame rate stabile a 60FPS, spicca il supporto al touchpad e lo speaker del Dualshock 4. La lista completa è disponibile poco più in basso.
1080p/60 FPS in single player and multiplayer.
Texture maps are 4x more detailed. Shadow maps 2x.
Higher resolution particle effects. Occlusion mapping on decals.
No texture streaming. L
onger draw distances, better LOD Expanded audio menu options.
Possibility to lock frame rate at 30 FPS.
Possibility to swap trigger and thumbsticks controls.
DualShock 4 touch pad, light bar and speaker supported.
Cinematics with commentary by Neil Druckmann, Troy Baler and Ashley Johnson.
Texture maps are 4x more detailed. Shadow maps 2x.
Higher resolution particle effects. Occlusion mapping on decals.
No texture streaming. L
onger draw distances, better LOD Expanded audio menu options.
Possibility to lock frame rate at 30 FPS.
Possibility to swap trigger and thumbsticks controls.
DualShock 4 touch pad, light bar and speaker supported.
Cinematics with commentary by Neil Druckmann, Troy Baler and Ashley Johnson.
Infine, nel 2014 verranno rilasciati nuovi add-on per il titolo, tutti completamente cross-buy (a differenza del gioco originale).