NHL 12, EA annuncia le nove leggende dell’hockey dal GamesCom 2011

nhl-12_thumbTra cui Wayne Gretzky, Ray Bourque e Chris Chelios!

Electronic Arts è lieta di annunciare che NHL 12, titolo di hockey su ghiaccio sviluppato da EA SPORTS, beneficerà della bresenza di ben 9 leggende di questa disciplina.

Tra questi spiccano nomi quali Wayne Gretzky, Ray Bourque e Chris Chelios. Inoltre sono state confermate le modalità di gioco Diventa una Leggenda e Diventa un Professionista.

Mentre con Diventa un Professionista c’è solo, per così dire, progredire fino a diventare un giocatore ufficiale del campionato nazionale NHL, in Diventa una Leggenda si intraprenderà la Carriera da Professionista incontrando e sfidando le leggende su citate.

Vi lasciamo con nuovi screenshot in calce all’articolo e qui di seguito con il trailer dedicato:



Ricordiamo che il titolo è atteso in uscita per il 13 Settembre 2011 su console Playstation 3 e Xbox 360.

Maggiori dettagli nel comunicato ufficiale:



Electronic Arts Inc. (ERTS) announced that it will bring nine of the greatest players in NHL history to EA SPORTS™ NHL®12. The nine NHL greats will be integrated into the game across virtually every mode, including the all-new Be A Legend mode, adding a new and exciting dimension to the EA SPORTS NHL series. In Be A Legend, gamers will experience the glory of playing their entire Be A Pro career as one of the nine legends as they attempt to shatter the most impressive records in hockey, achieve legendary milestones and complete legends tasks.

In addition, gamers will have the ability to add legends to any team roster in Be a GM mode, or collect ultra-rare legends cards and use them within their Hockey Ultimate Team experience. In Be a Pro mode, gamers can strive to ‘Be the Next Great Legend’ as they attempt to reach legendary milestones and complete legends tasks throughout their Be A Pro character’s career. Finally, gamers can square off against the Legends team in head-to-head play – within Play Now, Online and Battle for the Cup modes – in an attempt to answer the age-old question of how players in today’s era of hockey compare to the game’s all-time greats.

Wayne Gretzky, Ray Bourque and recent U.S. Hockey Hall of Fame inductee and perennial all-star Chris Chelios will all be featured as Legends in NHL 12, along with six additional former NHL greats who will be announced over the course of the next week. For the latest information on NHL 12, become a fan of http://www.facebook.com/easportsnhl or follow http://www.twitter.com/easportsnhl.

The NHL 12 Demo will be available for download worldwide starting August 23 on Xbox LIVE and the Playstation Network*. NHL 12 hits retailers on September 9 in Europe and September 13 in North America.

*Internet Connection Required


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