Sony ha scelto IBM POWER7 come processore per PlayStation 4

sonyLa nuova console in arrivo nel 2012 !

E’ stata pubblicata la notizia dal portale che Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCEI) ha scelo il processore IBM POWER7 come CPU per la futura Playstation 4 che dovrebbe essere immessa sul mercato mondiale nel 2012.

Sembra quasi un contro senso visto che la stessa SONY aveva sempre dichiarato che PS3 avrebbe avuto un ciclo di vita superiore alla precedente PS2 e non avrebbe avuto una sorella maggiore prima del 2015.

In ogni caso, per dovere di cronaca, vi riportiamo in calce questa notizia che cataloghiamo come ‘rumour’ in attesa di conferma o smentita da parte di SONY.

11/25/09 WORLD EXCLUSIVE: Sony has chosen the CPU for the next generation PlayStation.

We can officially reveal in this world exclusive that SCEI has officially chosen IBM’s currently in development POWER7 architecture for it’s PlayStation 4 system, currently scheduled for a 2012 worldwide release.

IBM shall debut POWER7 for the server market in the summer of 2010. The PlayStation 4 shall use a cost effective version of the architecture custom designed for Sony’s specific needs.

The only information FGNOnline currently has available regarding specifications and performance is that the PS4 implementation of the chip shall use 6-8 cores, 24-32MB shared L3 Cache, Quad threading per core, and a double precision performance approaching 200GFLOPS.

The CELL chip which powers the PS3 is capable of 15 double precision GFLOPS. This would give the PS4 a performance leap of over 10 fold over it’s predecessor.

Interestingly, the primary reason IBM cancelled development on the CELL based PoweXcell 8i is because of SCEI’s change of stance. The company wanted to move away from the exotic architecture employed for the PS3 to a more traditional architecture favored by third party developers.

As displayed by it’s choice of processors, the server based POWER7 and the TBDR based PowerVR 6, SCEI once again has sights set for performance leadership in the next round.

Mr Zachary Morris




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