Nintendo annuncia cambio al vertice, Iwata è il nuovo CEO di Nintendo America


Si cambia strategia.

In una news precedente vi avevamo fatto notare come il Wii U e le vendite generali non hanno portato a importanti risultati, soprattutto in Nord America.

Ora, la notizia che girava un pò nell’aria e che stravolge un pò tutta la gerarchia in casa Nintendo, è la nuova carica di CEO per la sede in Giappone che va a Tatsumi Kimishima, mentre l’attuale Presidente Satoru Iwata invece sarà messo a capo di Nintendo of America (NOA) in qualità di CEO e Reggie Fils-Aime resterà invece una figura importante sempre di NOA, rimanendo il Presidente della divisione statunitense.

Speriamo che questa nuova strategia possa risollevare il momento abbastanza deludente per Nintendo.


Maggiori dettagli nel comunicato ufficiale:

Nintendo Announces Promotion of NOA Chairman Tatsumi Kimishima to NCL Managing Director

Nintendo today announced a planned promotion for Tatsumi Kimishima, current chairman and CEO of Nintendo of America and a director of its parent Nintendo. Subject to shareholder approval, he will become NCL managing director, and transfer from NOA in Redmond, Washington, to NCL headquarters in Kyoto, Japan. In his new position, he will assume the roles of general manager of Corporate Analysis and Administration, and general manager of the General Affairs Division. These titles are currently held by Yoshihiro Mori and Masaharu Matsumoto respectively, both of whom are retiring. Kimishima will assume his new duties in Kyoto later this summer.

Kimishima was named to his current position at NOA in 2006. He first joined Nintendo in Japan in 2000, and was subsequently named president of Pokémon USA in 2001, before moving on to become president of the Nintendo of America subsidiary in 2002. Previously, he spent 27 years at Sanwa Bank of Japan, with multiple postings in North America and Central America.

Many of his current responsibilities, including the CEO title, will be assumed by Global President Satoru Iwata. The move will support the company’s unified global strategy, allow streamlined decision making and enhance Nintendo’s organizational agility in the current competitive environment. Reggie Fils-Aime will continue in his role as president and COO of NOA, reporting to Iwata.

Other changes announced to Nintendo’s global board of directors can be found at



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