Scram Kitty and His Buddy on Rails, dal 15 Maggio sull'eShop di Wii U

Dakko Dakko con il suo shoot ’em up in esclusiva su Wii U!

Scram Kitty and His Buddy on Rails è uno shoot ’em up con elementi platform davvero particolare che ci vedrà vestire i panni di un giovane ragazzo, a bordo del suo carrello armato con dei laser, alla ricerca del suo gatto, Scram Kitty, rapito e rinchiuso insieme a tutti i gatti del pianeta terra. Il titolo, sviluppato da Dakko Dakko Games arriverà esclusivamente sul Nintendo eShop di Wii U il 15 Maggio 2014 al costo di €9,99 e farà uso del Gamepad di Wii U per fornire informazioni in tempo reale al videogiocatore che intende avventurarsi in questa coraggiosa avventura. Vi lasciamo adesso al trailer ufficiale del gioco ed al comunicato stampa ufficiale.
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Scram Kitty and his Buddy on Rails to Launch on Nintendo eShop in Europe on May 15th

Dakko Dakko’s Wii U Debut Gets Its Claws Into Players Next Week!

Cardiff, Wales – May 6th, 2014 – Independent games developer Dakko Dakko today announced that Scram Kitty and his Buddy on Rails will launch on the Nintendo eShop in Europe on May 15th. Developed by the studio behind The 2D Adventures of Rotating Octopus Character and Floating Cloud God Saves the Pilgrims, Scram Kitty and his Buddy on Rails is a frenetic, fast-paced platform shooting game designed from the ground-up for Wii U™.
Rhodri Broadbent, founder of Dakko Dakko, said “After a little bit of a wait while we crammed the game’s Space Station with even more fiendish stages and added a new skill-play mode, it’s great to be able to say that people can get our latest game very soon!”
Featuring a unique control system that allows for 360 degree platforming action and thrilling 2D shooting, Scram Kitty and his Buddy on Rails sees players glide along colourfully glowing rails, leaping over the space station’s ample hazards and blasting back endless hordes of enemy rodents. The titular Scram Kitty offers helpful tips and feedback in real-time via the TV screen as the player battles on the Wii U™ GamePad.
For the truly awesome and dedicated, Scram Kitty and his Buddy on Rails features an addictive arcade-style ‘Challenge Mode’ wherein players race the clock to free as many cats as possible and make it out of the space station in one piece. Players can share their challenge mode score via the game’s Miiverse™ community.
Scram Kitty and his Buddy on Rails will be available to download exclusively from the Nintendo eShop, priced £8.99 / €9.99.
To learn more about Scram Kitty and his Buddy on Rails visit:
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