Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth2: Sisters Generation, nuovi screenshot

Manca ormai poco al lancio su PS Vita.

Tramite comunicato stampa ufficiale, Idea Factory diffonde oggi novità sulla data d’uscita di Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 2 per PlayStation Vita – riedizione dell’originale Hyperdimension Neptunia MK2 per PlayStation 3 – in arrivo in versione fisica il 6 di Febbraio ed in versione digitale l’11 di Febbraio; vengono inoltre diffusi nuovi screenshot relativi al titolo, che potrete visualizzare poco più avanti in calce alla news. Vi ricordiamo che la nuova edizione del titolo in esclusiva per PlayStation Vita vanterà, rispetto alla controparte PlayStation 3, una nuova storia, un sistema di battaglie rivisto e molte altre novità che saranno in grado di rendere unica l’esperienza di gioco.
Comunicato Stampa:
LOS ANGELES, CA., January 09, 2015 – The launch of Hyperdimension Neptunia™ Re;Birth2: Sisters Generation quickly approaches! As such, we’d like to hook you guys up with a new batch of screenshots that show some of the fun costumes you can use in the game, as well as some of the other characters that will fight by your side.
On top of that, we’ve included a couple of gameplay clips that show off one of Nepgear’s specials, as well as the HDD transformations of the CPU Candidates.
Exclusively for the PlayStation®Vita handheld entertainment system, it will be available in both physical and digital formats on January 27th in North America. In Europe it will be available on February 6th and digitally on February 11th. We’re also happy to say that this title will be compatible with the PlayStation®TV!
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth2 was developed based on Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2 for the PlayStation®3 entertainment computer system. Now, it offers a new story, a newly revamped battle system, newly voiced characters, and new playable characters that will provide a refreshing gameplay experience for long-time Neptunia series fans and newcomers to the series.





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