Gran Turismo 5, disponibile la patch 1.08

gran-turismo-5_thumb5Piccola correzione di un problema.

Polyphony Digital ha rilasciato quest’oggi in Europa e Nord America un nuovo aggiornamento di Gran Turismo 5 alla versione 1.08.

La patch del peso di circa 1.7MB va solo a correggere un piccolo problema relativo quando si accedeva al circuito “Tokyo Special Stage Route 7″ ed alla gestione dei soldi durante la vendita online delle autovetture.

Di seguito il comunicato in dettaglio:

A new update has been released for Gran Turismo 5.
The main contents of the update are as follows:

[Correction of Known Issues]
We have corrected an issue where it was possible to shortcut on the Special Stage Route 7 course.

[To Check Your Current Version]
To check the version of your software, press the “Manual” button at the bottom of the main menu screen. The version number will be located on the upper left of the index page in this manual.

If the number starts with “Ver. 1.07.544”, you are playing the latest version of the game.

If not, please press PS button and quit the game. The game will be updated automatically when you restart it with your PS3™ system connected to the internet.





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