Aggiornamento del PlayStation Store

Ecco il consueto appuntamento con i contenuti del PlayStation Store dove spicca la demo di Watchmen: The End is Nigh, Wanted: Weapons of fate e di WWE Wrestlemain: Legends of Wrestling.

PlayStation Store del 5 Marzo 2009

 Watchmen: The End is Nigh [£12.99]
 No Gravity: The Plague of Mind [£8.99]

 Watchmen: The End is Nigh
 Wanted: Weapons of fate
 WWE Wrestlemain: Legends of Wrestling

Contenuti Aggiuntivi
 Prince of Persia: Epilogue [£7.99]
 Burnout Paradise Toy Cars [da £1.59 a £7.99]
 Street Fighter IV Femnine Fatale Pack [£3.9]
 Lunmies Supernova Classics Pack [£3.19]
 Skate 2 Throwback Pack [Free]
 Bruce Pack & Carmen Pack for High Velocity Bowling [£0.79 each]
 Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm – Storm Pack II [Free]
 Rock Band:
No Doubt – New (Song) [£0.99]
Steve Roy Vaughan – Texas Flood [Songs from £0.99 , album costs £7.49]
*Dirty Pond
*I’m Cryin
*Love Struck Baby
*Mary Had a Little Lamb
*Pride and Joy
*Rude Mood
*Tell Me
*Texas Flood
(* = acquistabile singolarmente o in album)
 Guitar Hero:
European Track Pack 3 (Song Pack) [costo canzone unitario £1.59, costo pack £4.59]
*Vanilla Sky – Break it Out
*Rita – C’est Camme
*Rasmus – In The Shadows
(* = acquistabile singolarmente o in album)

Video e Trailers
 Metal Gear Online – Scene Trailer
 F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin – Launch Trailer

Temi e Sfondi
 Crash Commando – Airbourne Assult Wallpaper (Wallpaper)
 Crash Commando – Maps Theme (Theme)
 LocoRoco 2 – Color Theme (Theme)


 Minna no Golf Portable 2 PSP the Best (¥2200)

Contenuti Aggiuntivi

Burnout Paradise
 Toy Collection (¥1500 includes both Toy Packs)
 Toy Nakamura FireHawk (¥300)
– Toy Car Collection 1 (¥750 | ¥240 each)
 Hunter Cavalry
 Krieger WTR
 Jansen P12
– Toy Car Collection 2 (¥750 | ¥240 each)
 Hunter Takedown 4×4
 Carson GT Concept
 Carson Inferno Van
 Hunter Citizen

 NBA 09 – All-Star Weekend Pack
 Shin Sengoku Musou Multi-Raid (PSP) – Additional Content Version 2
 Street Fighter IV – Shadoloo Pack (¥400)

Temi e Sfondi

 LocoRoco 2 (PS3 & PSP) – LocoRoco Custom Theme

Yuusha 30
 Princess 30 Wallpaper 1 (PSP)
 Princess 30 Wallpaper 2 (PSP)
 Princess 30 Wallpaper 3 (PSP)




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