Da Toshiba il primo tv con CELL integrato

toshibaregza551CELLIl TV che si sente un po’ PC

Toshiba ha annunciato che a partire da dicembre sarà disponibile in Giappone il nuovo TV LED LCD REGZA 55X1 il primo Tv LCD ad integrare il processore CELL Broadband Engine, in sostanza il processore che equipaggia la Playstation 3. Il nuovo televisore che diventa cosi’ il top di gamma della compagnia nipponica avrà caratteristiche di altissima qualità che in abbinamento alle capacità di calcolo del nuovo processore CELL, 143 volte più potenti dei precedenti modelli Toshiba, saranno in grado di restituire una immagine di  incredibile qualità.

Il nuovo processore permetterà di gestire in maniera ancora migliore il controllo colore, definizione, le opzioni di registrazione e navigazione.

Altre caratteristiche di spicco un contrasto dinamico di 5.000.000:1 e una luminosità di 1250 cd/m2 e un HardDisk da ben 3 terabyte per registrare le nuove trasmissioni in HD. L’illminazione a LED, viene organizzata in 512 distinte ed autonome aree, il che permetterà un controllo ancora più preciso della luminosità dello schermo.

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Toshiba Unveils the CELL REGZA 55X1
The World’s First(1) LCD TV Integrating the Cell Broadband Engine(TM)


Tokyo–Toshiba Corporation (TOKYO: 6502) today unveiled the future of home entertainment, the CELL REGZA 55X1. This new LCD TV, the flagship of the company’s REGZA line-up, offers viewers state-of-the-art picture quality, including a dynamic contrast ratio of 5,000,000:1, and supports this with ultra-high-speed processing and recording, enhanced navigation and seamless network interactivity. The CELL REGZA 55X1 will be available in the Japanese market from the beginning of December.
The heart of CELL REGZA is Toshiba’s CELL Platform. A combination of the high speed parallel processing of the Cell Broadband Engine(TM)(2), specially developed for demanding multimedia applications, and Toshiba’s advanced image-processing algorithms, the CELL Platform achieves an arithmetic processing capability approximately 143 times (3) that of the current top-of-the-line REGZA TV, allowing it to support unrivaled image-enhancing capabilities.



These include:

“CELL Platform Super Resolution Technology that builds on Toshiba’s current(4), super resolution technology to offer unmatched picture quality.


“Self-congruency, a dedicated process that improves image quality at the edge of the picture.

“Enhanced color and brightness balance that improves picture color and definition.

“LED backlight control system. In the CELL REGZA, the display is divided into 512 distinct areas, each with individually controlled lighting. Luminance is pushed to an industry high (5) of 1250cd/m2, 2.5 times the level of typical TVs, and the dynamic contrast ratio(6) is an astonishing 5,000,000:1.



Another distinguishing feature of CELL REGZA is its storage capacity: a 3-terabyte (TB)(7) hard disk drive. Two terabytes of capacity are dedicated to the CELL REGZA’s “time-shift machine,”(8) which can simultaneously record up to approximately 26 hours of programming for up to eight channels(9) of digital terrestrial broadcasts. The time-shift machine allows viewers to catch up on missed programs simply by pressing the “time-shift machine” button on the remote control.
With the ability to store a massive amount of recorded programs, a fast, easy search function is essential. Toshiba delivers with “roaming navigation.” This allows viewers to find and display information on recorded, current and future programs simply by inserting an identifier-the title, person’s name, genre or related keywords.
The CELL REGZA consists of a striking, slim monitor and a stylish tuner that also integrates the hard disk drive. Both have a smoked aluminum finish, achieved with an alumite(10) deposition process that lends the design a feeling of luxury. The remote controller is finished in the same way.


Drawing on some 80 years of experience in TV technology, and on synergies between its visual products, semiconductor and storage device businesses, Toshiba has developed CELL REGZA not only as the flagship model of its REGZA series, but also as a statement of the future of the LCD TV.

Arturo D'Apuzzo
Arturo D'Apuzzo
Nella vita reale, investigatore dell’incubo, pirata, esploratore di tombe, custode della triforza, sterminatore di locuste, futurologo. In Matrix, avvocato e autore di noiosissime pubblicazioni scientifiche. Divido la mia vita tra la passione per la tecnologia e le aride cartacce.


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