Midway e Ubisoft collaborano per la distribuzione di Wheelman

Le due compagnie hanno siglato un accordo per la distribuzione del titolo per PS3, 360 e PC


Midway ha annunciato oggi la firma di un accordo strategico con Ubisoft per la pubblicazione del titolo Wheelman che uscirà in Europa il 27 marzo per Playstation 3, Xbox 360 e PC.

Ubisoft curerà distribuzione e marketing del gioco in America, Australia, Nuova Zelanda, Francia, Germania, Austria, Irlanda e Regno Unito. La situazione rimarrà invariata in tutti gli altri Paesi. In Italia il gioco sarà distribuito da Cidiverte.

“L’accordo con Ubisoft è una gratificante conferma del forte potenziale di Wheelman” ha dichiarato Matt Booty, presidente e CEO di Midway “Ubisoft vanta una comprovata esperienza che ci permetterà di ampliare il nostro segmento di mercato”

Di seguito il comunicato stampa in inglese

Ubisoft to publish in major territories, Midway to direct development for highly‐anticipated Vin Diesel driving game

CHICAGO, IL, AND PARIS, FRANCE ‐ February, 18 2009Midway Games, a leading interactive entertainment publisher and developer, announced today that it has entered into a strategic relationship with Ubisoft to publish Wheelman(tm), the highly‐anticipated open‐world driving game starring action‐film megastar Vin Diesel as an expert driver for hire. Ubisoft will handle sales, marketing, and distribution of the title in North America, South America, Australia, New Zealand, France, Germany, Austria, Ireland and the United Kingdom. Midway will continue to direct the development of the title and retains all future rights to the franchise and will sell the title in all other European territories.

Wheelman is scheduled for a March 24, 2009, ship date in North America and a March 27, 2009, street date in Europe for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, the PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system and Windows PC. A pre‐launch demo is also planned for the Xbox 360 and PS3.

“We are pleased to be partnering with Midway to bring Wheelman to stores worldwide,” said Tony Key, senior vice president of sales and marketing, Ubisoft. “The cutting edge open‐world driving technology in Wheelman should make for an experience that gamers will enjoy.”

“Ubisoft’s decision to join Midway in a co‐publishing agreement is a gratifying validation of Wheelman’s potential,” commented Matt Booty, president and CEO, Midway. “Ubisoft has a proven expertise at bringing new IP to market, which will allow us to reach a broader consumer segment with Wheelman, while helping Midway to balance the risk profile of our product portfolio.”

“The development team in Newcastle, UK, has fine‐tuned and polished Wheelman, especially in these last few months, to deliver a true Hollywood blockbuster experience,” said Craig Duncan, studio head, Midway Studios ‐ Newcastle Ltd. “The demo due out for Xbox 360 and PS3 will show that Wheelman’s new game design mechanics like cinematic super moves and vehicular combat will revolutionize driving games.”

About Wheelman
Action film megastar Vin Diesel and his Tigon Studios are again blurring the lines between entertainment mediums, this time collaborating with Midway in the design and production of Wheelman to ensure an edge‐of‐your‐seat gaming experience. Diesel’s voice and likeness will appear as the game’s main character, expert Wheelman Milo Burik.

Arturo D'Apuzzo
Arturo D'Apuzzo
Nella vita reale, investigatore dell’incubo, pirata, esploratore di tombe, custode della triforza, sterminatore di locuste, futurologo. In Matrix, avvocato e autore di noiosissime pubblicazioni scientifiche. Divido la mia vita tra la passione per la tecnologia e le aride cartacce.


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