NZXT presenta il nuovo fan controller GRID+V3

Un nuovo fan controller pieno di interessanti novità entra a far parte della gamma di prodotti NZXT

NZXT unitamente ai nuovi case della serie H, che lo integreranno di serie, ha presentato oggi il nuovo fan controller avanzato della compagnia che introduce interessanti novità per il controllo del sistema di raffreddamento della vostra build: GRID+ V3

GRID+V3 è un fan controller a 6 canali capace di fornire un output fino a 5watt per pcanale e riconosce in automatico se avete installato una ventola a 3 pin o 4, permettendovi di gestire il tutto tramite il software CAM+.  GRID+ V3 introduce anche per la prima volta l’innovativo sistema di Adaptive Noise Reduction, che attraverso un sistema complesso di algoritmi cloud based,  analizza la rumorosità del sistema, il carico di GPU e CPU ed automaticamente adatta la curva di funzionamento delle vostre ventole. Il sistema è in grado anche di disabilitare completamente le ventole quando la temperatura, che avrete modo di impostare in base alle specifiche che più riterrete opportune, sarà al di sotto di un certo livello.

NZXT ha pensato anche all’installazione. Il nuovo GRID+  V3 è infatti dotato di un retro magnetico che ne permette l’installazione praticamente ovunque senza incidere sul cable management del vostro sistema. GRID+ V3 sarà disponibile a partire dalla fine di ottobre ad un prezzo di 49,90 euro.

Per maggiori informazioni vi rimandiamo al comunicato in inglese allegato di seguito.

The new GRID+ V3 delivers the perfect balance between silence and cooling
Smarter digital fan control

Los Angeles, CA – October 17th, 2017 –  NZXT today announces the newest member of the GRID+ family, providing a smart solution for advanced digital fan control.

“Finding the right mix between cooling and noise reduction can be complex and time-consuming, even for experienced builders. GRID+ V3 provides a smart solution for advanced digital fan control using our intuitive CAM dashboard. We’re also introducing Adaptive Noise Reduction, allowing you to reduce fan noise up to 40%. With GRID+ V3, you won’t have to choose between silence and cooling–you’ll get the perfect balance of both.” says Johnny Hou, NZXT’s founder and CEO.

By measuring fan noise levels, CPU and GPU load, and system temperature, CAM leverages machine learning to provide the optimal thermal profile with the lowest possible fan noise. Custom fan profiles can also be set and adjusted through CAM.

GRID+ V3 main features:
– CAM-powered digital fan controller for precise and efficient cooling
– Supports 6 separate channels, automatically detecting 3-pin fans and 4-pin PWM fans; delivers up to 5 watts of power per channel
– 0dB fan feature for near silent operation.
– Slim profile and magnetic back for simple installation
– Adaptive Noise Reduction technology automatically optimizes cooling and fan noise

Smart fan control
If manual fan control is your preference, GRID+ V3 supports both voltage and PWM control, and you can choose a separate fan profile for each channel: Silent, Performance, Fixed, or Custom. Label each fan channel, build your own custom fan curves, and tune your system using the intuitive CAM dashboard.

Six channels
Each channel automatically detects if you’ve connected a 3-pin fan or 4-pin PWM fan. GRID+ V3 includes two Y-splitter cables for installing additional fans.

Pure silence
For nearly silent operation, your custom profiles can use the 0dB feature on GRID+ V3 to disable fans completely when temperatures are within the safe limits of your build.

Easy and discreet installation
GRID+ V3 features a slim profile, measuring only 15mm in height, and includes a magnetic back, making it quick and easy to install; it even fits behind most motherboard trays.

Adaptive Noise Reduction
Our unique Adaptive Noise Reduction uses an on-board noise sensor to measure and learn the specifics of your system to find the ideal balance between fan speed and cooling. With up to a 40% reduction in fan noise level, you won’t need to waste time designing custom fan curves. Leveraging machine learning to improve its results, this will ensure your fan settings are always optimal, even if you change hardware.

MSRP Pricing: 49,90 €

End of October

Arturo D'Apuzzo
Arturo D'Apuzzo
Nella vita reale, investigatore dell’incubo, pirata, esploratore di tombe, custode della triforza, sterminatore di locuste, futurologo. In Matrix, avvocato e autore di noiosissime pubblicazioni scientifiche. Divido la mia vita tra la passione per la tecnologia e le aride cartacce.


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