Dark Souls II, presto l'update 1.03

Imprecazioni aggiornabili.

Dark Souls II è un gioco che sicuramente sta riscuotendo molto successo e votazioni degne di nota. Gli sviluppatori di From Software fanno sapere di essere a lavoro per rilasciare al più presto un aggiornamento che andrà a limare molti aspetti del titolo: ottimizzazione tecnica generale e risoluzione di bug specifici. 
Non si hanno notizie certe per una data di rilascio. Per quanto riguarda il changelog ne abbiamo uno tradotto da una versione giapponese. Speriamo vi piaccia l’inglese: 
-Changed chance of restoring humanity after successful co-op play via White Soapstones and Small White Soapstones. 

-Fixed glitch with the gate in “Old Drangleic” (Drangleic Castle?) that prevented progress. 

-Fixed bug w/ online play where certain items couldn’t be used after a failed summon. 

-Fixed bug w/ online play where Looking-Glass Knight would fail to summon another player. 

-Fixed bug w/ online that caused an error code to display after ??? area failed to load properly.

-Fixed bug w/ online that would remove equipped rings when joining another player’s world. 

-New “inventory is full” message will display when you attempt to pick up an item you already have a full stack of. 

-Added a message to the Things Betwixt coffin informing the player of the sex-change. 

-Fixed bugs where illusions, bloodstains and messages would not display in some areas. 

-Improved performance in character reaction menus. 

-Fixed bug where tatoo placement on face would change based on subsequent facial structure changes. 

-Reduced delay/lag for menu screen and bonfire menu. 

-In NG+ and beyond, added additional items to shop inventories. 

-???? (Fixed a bug where players would be summoned to the wrong location?) 

-Fixed bug where player would lose souls with Ring of Life equipped. 

-Fixed a bug where players’ bodies would not display properly at summon signs. 

-Altered icon for “Guardian of the Fort” trophy (maybe Iron Keep Primal Bonfire? Or a JPN-only trophy for parrying/guarding?) “When guard occurs,” the gamepad will now vibrate. 

-???? (something about darkness and upgrading?) 

-Fixed a bug where you could activate a spell while falling off an ascending elevator.



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