Beta Multiplayer Killzone 3, numeri importanti e aggiornamento utile per la versione finale

killzone3_thumb_helgast5Server ripristinati.

In una nota pubblicata sul loro sito ufficiale, Guerrilla Games informa gli utenti circa le novità introdotte con la patch 1.01 alla Beta Multiplayer di Killzone 3.

Aryeh Loeb, Producer di Guerrilla Games, ha dichiarato che la sessione ha già fatto registrare oltre 55 milioni di uccisioni, di cui un circa 5 milioni effettuate con attacchi brutali (Brutal Melee). Nel frattempo la patch 1.01 è servita per risolvere alcuni problemi relativi alla distribuzione delle statistiche e delle medaglie nel server principale ed alla gestione delle sessioni di matchmaking.

Da oggi, inoltre, i server hanno terminato l’onerosa fase di backup e miglioramento della gestione delle connessioni, in modo da permettere un accesso più rapido al sistema, visti i lunghi caricamenti, e al congestionamento delle stesse per l’elevato numero di accessi. Infine, un ringraziamento da parte del team olandese a tutti i partecipanti alla Beta e ai loro feedback rilasciati, preziosi per migliorare l’esperienza di gioco e fare in modo di tenere constantemente alta l’efficienza del servizio online anche dopo l’uscita del titolo.

Di seguito il comunicato ufficiale:

Open Beta Developer Update

Di Aryeh Loeb, inviato il feb 08 2011 12:00AM

It’s less than a week since the Killzone 3 Multiplayer Beta hit PlayStation Store, but already you’ve racked up some impressive numbers. There’s been a staggering 55 million – million! – kills, of which around ten per cent have been Brutal Melee kills.

Some 350,000 games have been blitzed through, with well over half a million players appearing on the Killzone 3 leaderboards. And two of those players have stormed through the one million XP barrier already. The Helghast don’t know what’s hit them.

Your dedication to the cause hasn’t gone unnoticed over at developer Guerrilla Games. Far from it: the team has been working around the clock to analyse and act upon your feedback. Below you’ll find a round-up of issues discovered thanks to your hard work, and the solutions Guerrilla is working on to refine your experience:

High level issues discovered:

  • Connection problems
  • High load caused the database to fall over
  • Score posting
  • Flickering screens
  • Ribbon stats not updating
  • Vulgarity filter

Solutions underway:

  • Guerrilla has already released a patch. At the time of writing this has gone live in the EU. The other territories will follow shortly. We have no ETA on that.
  • Guerrilla has made improvements for the server connection issues. The server was brought down and back up for that on Monday, 7 February 2011.
  • The problems with the filter should be fixed now.
  • Guerrilla will continue to update the servers and patch the Beta if needed and are watching your feedback closely on

From the Guerrilla multiplayer team: “We are happy that we are encountering these issues now, during a Beta, instead of after launch. This will help us get ready for the huge amount of people that are expected to go online at launch.

“This Beta also gives us the opportunity to change Killzone 3 based on feedback that we get. Although we’ve already gone gold, we can and will make server side adjustment to things like weapon damage, balancing issues etc. So this is not a demo, it is meant to be a Beta, for us to test the game.

“Thanks for your continued patience and help in getting this tested properly.”

So, keep playing – the more you experience the Killzone 3 Muliplayer Beta, the more you’ll contribute to an even more polished final game.




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