Cryteck rilascia CryENGINE 3 agli sviluppatori

cryengine3Bellezza, Velocità e Interazione

Cryteck ha pubblicato una nota sul suo sito ufficiale per annunciare il rilascio del kit CryENGINE 3.0 agli sviluppatori e ha usato un trailer dal titolo Bellezza, Velocità e Interazione per dare dimostrazione del suo potenziale.

“Crytek è lieta di annunciare che la loro ultima soluzione di sviluppo all-in-one CryENGINE 3 è ora disponibile per tutti gli sviluppatori.

CryENGINE 3 è la prima piattaforma di sviluppo del gioco per Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, MMO, DX9/DX10 – che è veramente Next-Gen-Ready – con calcolo scalabile e grafica per tutte le principali piattaforme a venire. “

Ecco un esempio in movimento del nuovo e potente motore grafico per console di nuova generazione Playstation 3 e Xbox 360 nonchè Personal Computer.

Di seguito il comunicato ufficiale:

Crytek releases CryENGINE® 3

Oct 14, 2009

All-in-one multiplatform development solution

now available for licensees

Frankfurt a. M. (Germany), October 14th 2009 – Crytek GmbH (“Crytek”) is excited to announce that their latest all-in-one development solution CryENGINE 3 is now available for all developers. CryENGINE 3 is the first game development platform for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, MMO, DX9/DX10 that also is truly Next-Gen-Ready – with scalable computation and graphics for all major upcoming platforms. It provides the complete game engine to create AAA quality next generation games, and includes the redesigned CryENGINE 3 Sandbox™ level editor, a production-proven, 3rd generation “What you see is what you play” (WYSIWYP) – tool designed by and for professional developers.

CryENGINE 3 also introduces CryENGINE 3 Live Create™. It allows developers to work with a single editor, but see and play the results in real-time on PC, PS3 and Xbox360, hooked up to a single dev PC. The engine takes care of the conversion and optimization of assets in real-time; enables instant, cross-platform changes to any part of game creation and as a result materially increases the speed, quality and significantly reduces the risk of multiplatform development.

“With CryENGINE 3 we are releasing the best development solution available today and tomorrow. With its scalable graphics and computation it is next-gen ready and with new features like CryENGINE 3 Live Create the best choice for game developers and companies developing serious games applications alike. It is the only game engine solution that enables real-time development and can ensure teams are able to maximise their own creativity, save budget and create greater gaming experiences.” said Cevat Yerli, CEO & President of Crytek.

“We’re delighted to launch CryENGINE 3 and we look forward to seeing what developers achieve with our all-new technology. CryENGINE 3 isn’t just about providing our trademark highest-quality graphics and our out of the box AI and physics for the first time on consoles – it also delivers real benefits to all disciplines in games development. Programmers will create awesome new effects and gameplay; art, design and audio teams can play as they create with the fastest, entirely real-time WYSIWYP pipeline ever, materially reducing development time and risk – even producers, project managers and suits will love CryENGINE 3! Of course, our international team of more than 20 dedicated support staff are available right now to help our licensees make the most of CryENGINE 3; at their studio or at one of our support centres around the world.” added Carl Jones, Director of Business Development CryENGINE.

CryENGINE® is the underlying technology for Crytek’s critically acclaimed games Far Cry, Crysis, Crysis Warhead and NC Soft’s recently released MMORPG blockbuster AION. It has already been licensed to a number of major game companies around the globe, including several recent serious games training and simulation projects. CryENGINE®3 is the underlying technology for the highly anticipated Crysis®2.



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