NBA 2K11 diventa 3D in versione Playstation 3

nba-2k11_thumbGrazie ad un semplice aggiornamento.

NBA 2K11, il titolo sviluppato da 2K Sports, si potrà presto giocare in 3D. Dal blog ufficiale statunitense di Ronnie Singh, community manager di 2K Games, ci informa che il gioco è pronto per essere goduto in tre dimensioni.

Tutto ciò sarà possibile sfruttando una patch, disponibile sullo Store del Playstation Network a Gennaio 2011, e impostando nelle opzioni di visualizzazione la modalità 3D stereostopica.

Di seguito il comunicato ufficiale:

We are now taking the NBA 2K11 experience to a whole another level. Starting today, you can experience NBA 2K11 in 3D, for PlayStation 3 users who have a 3D television! Just hop on over to Best Buy and get your copy to experience an extra layer of depth (an extra dimension even!) to what many critics are already hailing as the deepest, most immersive, and best sports game of this generation.

A lot of people wonder what goes on behind the scenes to make 3D possible. So I got together with the dev team and asked them!

All 3-D effects come down to one simple idea: make each of a viewer’s eyes see a slightly different image and you can create the illusion of depth on a 2-D screen. Technology to create 3-D movies evolved from two-color images, called anaglyphs, into the more modern projection systems that use differently polarized light. Most of the new 3-D televisions use a technique called “alternate-frame sequencing” in which they first display the image for one eye and then display the image for the other eye, holding each image on the screen for 1/120th of a second. To make sure viewers see the correct images with each eye, glasses that cover-up one eye in exact synchronization with the television display, called active-shutter glasses, are used. What’s most exciting about the new technology is the quality of the images it produces. The new generation of active-shutter HDTVs let us make a 3-D game using full resolution HDTV images at framerates up to 120Hz.

To properly drive one of these televisions, NBA 2K11 must create two separate images every game frame–one for each eye. We create a virtual stereoscopic (two-eyed) camera and render the whole scene in full HD resolution twice, once for each eye of the camera. These two images are packaged together and delivered to the television as one “frame” which the television decodes and displays as two consecutive images, one for each eye of the viewer. Just in case anyone has a pair of the old-school 3-D glasses lying around, NBA 2K11 will render using the anaglyph method as well.

I got the opportunity to try it out last week and have played NBA 2K11 in 3D extensively. I have to say it’s absolutely amazing how the ball pops out of the screen on a pass or how you literally jump off the screen when going for a thunderous dunk. It must be witnessed to be believed so make sure to get in front of the game immediately!

NBA 2K11 3D

If you already have NBA 2K11 on the PS3 and don’t want to buy another copy, don’t fret. All current owners of NBA 2K11 for the PlayStation 3 system will be able to download an upgrade to enable their game to play in 3D for free from the PlayStation Store, January 2011. Make sure you’re on the lookout at the turn of the year. Before that time, we will have a game update scheduled (within the next few weeks) for small fixes to look forward to.

I want to thank the people at PlayStation for giving me this time to tell you more about NBA 2K11. Let me remind you to follow us on Facebook to see the most new and exclusive info for the NBA 2K Franchise. Thanks for reading!

Il titolo è disponibile dal 8 Ottobre 2010 per Personal Computer, console Playstation 3 e Xbox 360, Wii e PSP.


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