Red Dead Redemption, Rockstar Games svela il primo DLC

red-dead-redemption-game_thumbFuorilegge fino alla fine

Rockstar Games annuncia attraverso un comunicato ufficiale che il primo contenuto scaricabile (DLC) per Red Dead Redemption è “Fuorilegge fino alla fine” (Outlaws to the end) scaricabile gratuitamente a partire dal giorno stesso di uscita sul mercato del gioco.

Questo pacchetto comprende tre missioni in co-operativa. La prima riguarda la caccia all’oro, nella quale, come una sorta di cattura la bandiera bisogna impossessarsi delle pietre preziose e portarle nel rifugio. La seconda riguarda il sopravvivere più a lungo sulle rive di un fiume. La terza e ultima è mettere sotto assedio la dimora messicana nella città di Tesoro Azul per prenderne il possesso facendo attenzione a torrette allestite con cannoni, cecchini, e carri imbottiti di messicani.

Di seguito il comunicato ufficiale:

Rockstar Games Announces ‘Outlaws To The End’ Co-Op Mission Pack for Red Dead Redemption

Free-to-download co-op game play coming to Red Dead Redemption

Rockstar Games, a publishing label of Take-Two Interactive Software is proud to announce the ‘Outlaws To The End’ Co-Op multiplayer Mission Pack for Red Dead Redemption. Available FREE this June simultaneously for Xbox LIVE® and PlayStation® Network, this brand new co-op mode adds an entirely new dimension to Red Dead Redemption’s game play.

“Multiplayer in Red Dead Redemption offers players a whole new way to encounter the massive open world we’ve created, but we felt the experience would not be complete without co-op game play,” said Sam Houser, Founder of Rockstar Games. “With these missions, we wanted to create new ways for players to share in the experience of engaging with this amazing landscape.”

One of three downloadable content packs, the ‘Outlaws To The End’ Co-Op Mission Pack features six all-new multiplayer missions full of outlaws, epic gunfights, and revolution for 2-4 players. The ‘Outlaws to the End’ Co-Op Mission Pack offers additional multiplayer XP rewards and brand new Achievements and Trophies to unlock. These six explosive and epic missions will play out across the game world, including:

“Walton’s Gold” – Walton’s Gang have taken control of a mining camp rich with gold. Fight through the camp and load your mine cart with as much gold as you can carry and get out as fast as you can – Walton’s boys have rigged the place to blow.

“The River” – Ride a raft down river, taking out rebel encampments along the way until you reach the rebel stronghold of Nosalida and a final epic battle for the town’s massive weapons caches. Watch out for Gatling gun-equipped enemy rafts.

“Ammunition” – The Mexican Army has the town of Tesoro Azul under siege. Storm the gates under heavy cannon, Gatling gun and sniper fire to destroy the Mexican artillery placements.




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