SEGA annuncia ufficialmente Virtua Tennis 4

segaSfide a colpi di Move

Il Gamescom 2010 è stata un’ulteriore occasione per mostrare i nuovi sistemi di controllo di prossima uscita. Uno dei titoli sportivi più attesi e compatibile con Move sarà proprio Virtua Tennis 4.

SEGA ha infatti annunciato attraverso un comunicato lo sviluppo di Virtua Tennis 4, quarto episodio della serie videoludica più famosa dedicata al tennis, il quale sarà sviluppato nuovamente da AM3 e particolarità più importante, supporterà il nuovo controller Sony, PlayStation Move, rendendo l’esperienza di gioco ancora più divertente ed immersiva rispetto al passato. Ma non è finita qui. Oltre al Move infatti, Virtua Tennis 4 supporterà anche la tecnologia del 3D stereoscopico, la quale, grazie ad un televisore compatibile ed occhialini, aiuterà i giocatori ad immergersi ulteriormente nel gioco ed a vivere un’esperienza davvero unica.  Di seguito il comunicato ufficiale:


The no. 1 best selling tennis series moves to an all-new level of realism

LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO (August 18th, 2010) – SEGA® Europe Ltd. and SEGA® of America, Inc. are thrilled to announce that the critically acclaimed Virtua Tennis™ series is in development for PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system, featuring full PlayStation®Move compatibility and 3D technology. Due to release in 2011 and being developed in Japan by the original Virtua Tennis Team, Virtua Tennis 4 promises a more immersive, true to life tennis experience than ever before.

Virtua Tennis 4 with the PlayStation Move isn’t just about hitting the ball; it’s about the angle of the racquet, the spin and speed of the ball and the power of the shot.  The advanced motion sensors of PlayStation Move precisely track both the fast and subtle movements of the controller allowing for pinpoint accurate shots as players improve their racquet skills. Virtua Tennis 4 will also support 3D technology delivering unprecedented realism to the experience, bringing you closer than ever to being out on the court.

Virtua Tennis 4 is a fantastic example of how our 3rd Party partners are seeing the potential not just in PlayStation Move, but also 3D,” said Simon Rutter, Senior Vice President, Sales & Marketing at SCEE.  “The combination of both Move and 3D offers an entirely new gaming experience and one that has the potential to completely change how people interact with their entertainment. Virtua Tennis 4 shows how this technology can be implemented and we are very excited to be working with SEGA on this.”

“We have always strived to provide a tennis experience that is both true to the sport and great fun to play, and we are continuing to work with Sony to make this happen”, commented Gary Knight, Senior Vice President of Marketing at SEGA Europe and SEGA America. “With Virtua Tennis 4 being developed for PlayStation Move and featuring 3D technology, the boundaries of realism in sports video games are being pushed even further”.

With a host of additional features and the full player line-up to be revealed in the coming months, Virtua Tennis 4 is slated for release in 2011 and will be available on PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system.

Virtua Tennis 4 is currently being shown at the Sony Computer Entertainment Europe consumer stand in Hall 07.1 of the Cologne Trade Fair Center at Gamescom 2010 trade fair for interactive games and entertainment.

For more information, please visit the official site at or to download screenshots, videos and art, please visit

Nella gallery sottostante invece potete trovare i primi scatti del gioco, tratti da un incontro fra Roger Federer ed Andy Murray.


Da quanto appreso Virtua Tennis 4 verrà reso disponibile durante il 2011 in esclusiva PlayStation 3.




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